How to Negotiate Your Digital Marketing KPIs

There are four main types of KPIs to look for. These are Measurement, Relevance, Time-boundness, and Specificity. If you’re not sure how to negotiate your digital marketing KPIs, consider negotiating them on your own. There are many advantages to doing so. Read on to find out how to get the most out of these four types of KPIs. Listed below are four common KPIs that you’ll need to look for.


Digital marketers, beware: Digital marketing KPIs are not only weekly reports. They can be crucial tools that help business owners understand the health of their business and make necessary adjustments. By measuring each metric, managers can track the progress of their company and its team in achieving their strategic goals. Key performance indicators are measurable measures of progress toward business goals. They are also a good way to measure how well a business is performing against key business objectives, quarterly rocks, and other milestones. Click here for guide to improve website speed.

How to Negotiate Your Digital Marketing KPIs


When negotiating digital marketing KPIs with a vendor, it is essential to consider your business goals and how they relate to your specific team’s objectives. If the goals are not related to your business objectives, it would make sense to select a different set of KPIs. Relevance is also important when choosing KPIs, because if the goals do not tie into each other, the KPIs won’t be as useful as they could be.

The most important KPI to choose is the one that will drive the most ROI. The CPC is determined by the quality score, which is the percentage of visitors to a site that signed up for the mailing list. The open rate reflects how many people opened emails sent to this list. These metrics are important because they can indicate whether or not the subject line of the email was effective in reaching the intended audience.


The first step in setting KPIs is to determine what they should be. In general, KPIs are linked to conversions, any meaningful interaction with an online business. It’s best to choose specific goals, because they’ll help you measure success. Then, you’ll be able to see how your marketing is performing. And don’t forget: KPIs should be measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. As Peter Drucker famously stated, the goal of marketing is to keep customers. This is why it’s best to set digital marketing metrics that can demonstrate measurable progress.

Another important KPI is the new visitor return rate. It measures the number of new visitors that come to your site and how often they return to buy. Knowing this number is important because it may suggest how you can improve your content. In addition, your marketing efforts should ultimately lead to more business. For example, if you sell e-commerce products, your goal should be to convince website visitors to purchase. If your business is B2B, you’ll want to collect leads and pass them along to your sales team. For SaaS, you should focus on bringing more leads to your sales team.

How to Negotiate Your Digital Marketing KPIs


Smart marketing planning is key to measuring progress and demonstrating value. When negotiating digital marketing KPIs, remember to consider measurability. A good digital marketing KPI should have a certain time-bound goal and can be updated regularly. This is especially important during recessions, when market fluctuations have a greater impact on financials. Ultimately, the goal should be to maximize return on investment.

A good digital marketing KPI will detail the goals of both parties. However, be aware that these goals are relative. A 98% increase in conversions may be near enough, or it could be completely unrealistic. Be sure to negotiate the KPIs with a measurable goal and make sure both parties are on the same page. By doing so, you can avoid any issues with unreasonable KPIs.


While negotiating digital marketing KPIs with a vendor, be sure to ask them about their expertise, case studies, and opinions. While digital marketing isn’t an exact science, the right vendor can help your business achieve its goals. If your marketing strategy requires a complex web of metrics, it’s best to consult with a digital marketing expert. In addition to providing data, these experts can provide expert opinions and insights on best practices.

When negotiating digital marketing KPIs, you should consider whether all channels are equally important or not. For instance, all channels may not impact revenue directly, so a company should choose the channel that has the highest revenue potential. On the other hand, social media might not impact revenue, but its primary KPI may be reach. Therefore, you should choose a platform based on the client’s requirements and availability.